Evidence and research by Mark Bennister, Director of ParliLinc, has been cited in a report published by the House of Commons Public Administration and Constitution Affairs Committee (PACAC). The report on the role and status of the Prime Minister’s Office considers the historical and organisational functioning of Number 10.
The report refers to written evidence submitted by Mark Bennister to the Inquiry in 2020 and published by the Committee. The evidence concluded that ‘At present effectiveness at the centre is hampered by a lack of transparency and a reluctance to utilise Number 10 as a central hub to facilitate, coordinate and engage in a collaborative fashion. Prime Ministers feel that they do not have sufficient control over the levers of power and seek, particularly after a significant election victory, to assert themselves and their subordinates over colleagues and the civil service’.
The report also referred to research published by Ben Worthy and Mark Bennister in 2018 on Theresa May’s premiership.